Sunday, 17 February 2013

Hibari Kyoya (cloud guardian)

Kyoya Hibari (雲雀恭弥, Hibari Kyōya) is the leader of the Namimori Middle Disciplinary Committee, prefects who are in fact a group of delinquents that are all loyal to Hibari. Hibari himself is a violent delinquent who uses his status to harass other students. As shown several times in the series, he prefers to be alone and cares little for his subordinates. He loves Namimori more than anything, and will often say "I'll bite you to death," or "kamikorosu," to those that disturb Namimori Middle School. Hibari is very proud of his school and is apparently the only person who even likes their school's anthem, even using it as his ringtone. In the Kokuyo Arc, he adopts the Kokuyo Assassin Birds' bird. The bird (subsequently nicknamed "Hibird" due to its connection to Hibari) becomes attached to Hibari. Hibird can also sing the school's anthem, taught by Hibari, who loves it. Reborn piqued Hibari's curiosity in the mafia early on in the series and Hibari considers him a worthy opponent, having a strong urge to fight him.
Hibari has short black hair, with a frindge that joins at the center of his face, and parts to the sides, leaving a short of, "M," shape. He has sharp, grey eyes, which he uses to intimidate those around him. Hibari often wears his Discipline Committee uniform, which consists of a long-sleeved white shirt, black trousers, brown belt, black shoes (or indoor shoes), and black gakuran top worn on his shoulders, with the committee's armband pinned onto the left sleeve.
Occasionally, does Hibari also appear wearing his school uniform which consists of black trousers, a long-sleeved white shirt, a blue sweater-vest, and black shoes. He still pins his armband to his left sleeve.
After completing the Vongola Ring of Cloud, he wears it on his right hand. After gaining the Vongola Bracelet of the Clouds Version X, he wears it on his left wrist, implying that he may be ambidexterous (though he prefers to write with his right hand).
Future Hibari has changed to wearing a black suit, with a purple shirt and black necktie. His hair is also shorter, having been cut to appear more "messy," and with hardly any fridge. When not training or fighting, Future Hibari would wear a black kinagashi.
As stated by others, Hibari greatly resembles the first generation Vongola Cloud Guardian, Alaude, as well as the Storm Arcobaleno, Fon.

  • Cloud Tonfas
  • Alaude Handcuffs
  • Cloud
  • Mist
Box Animal
  • Roll

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